A lavishly illustrated volume presenting the work of 22 renowned international cartoonists and writers creating pornographic works under a nom de plume. The book is intended as an homage to The Traveller's Companion, the series of cheaply-produced paperbacks edited by Maurice Girodias and his Paris-based publishing house Olympia Press, resulting in the publication of Henry Miller, Lawrence Durrell, Anaïs Nin, William S. Burroughs, Terry Southern, Vladimir Nabokov, Samuel Beckett and other much less reputable authors. Olympia's output was one that was equal parts smut and art. The Sightseer's Complement is small so that it may be carried about on a walk or on the subway, with great ease. FOR ADULTS ONLY
"The Sightseer’s Complement (tips) it's hat to Olympia Press’s Traveler's Companion books of the 1950s and ’60s. Tongues-in-cheek abound. Winks flutter. Desire and erections are doubtful. The book is a gem. Trim, tidy, well-conceived, exquisitely executed. Ironic and appreciative, twisted and fun. (A perfect gift for the proper connoisseur.) Pornography as art — why not? If, as Kenneth Tynan has noted, it is honor-worthy to stimulate the eye or ear, what do we have against the pelvis?" —Bob Levin, author of Outlaws, Rebels, Freethinkers & Pirates and The Pirates and the Mouse: Disney's War Against The Underground
40 pages | black and white | perfect bound | 2017